DVD, Blu Ray

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    This DVD about the manual treatment of the cervical spine continues the project that Jean-Pierre Barral has started in teamwork with Alain Croibier with the DVD about the treatment of the shoulder and the DVD about the treatment of the elbow, wrist and hand. The intention of this new approach is to add a new dimension and a series of new techniques to the many manual approaches that already exist. The approach that Barral and Croibier have chosen is best characterized by a sort of comprehensiveness that includes all components of the living organism. In this sense the DVD shows the detailed anatomical explanation and treatment demonstration of: - the skin and dorsal nerves - the various muscles within the suboccipital area - the suboccipital nerve - the brachial plexus - the cervical foramina (related to disk herniation) - the cervical dura mater - the venous plexus surrounding the brachial plexus
  • Nicht auf Lager
    This DVD about the manual treatment of the cervical spine continues the project that Jean-Pierre Barral has started in teamwork with Alain Croibier with the DVD about the treatment of the shoulder and the DVD about the treatment of the elbow, wrist and hand. The intention of this new approach is to add a new dimension and a series of new techniques to the many manual approaches that already exist. This DVD about the manual treatment of the vertebral spine focuses on the lumbar spine and the pelvis. The techniques shown by Jean-Pierre Barral are based on the teamwork with Alain Croibier.  The underlying philosophy may be best characterized by Barral’s advice to respect the integrity of the individual organism and to include all the components of the body into a quite detailed mode of evaluation and treatment. The DVD shows a full spectrum of the lumbar spine and the pelvis by demonstrating innovative interventions for: - the skin and the dorsal nerves - the facet joints and intervertebral disks of the lumbar spine - the dorsal (posterior) lumbar ligament - the disk’s viscoelasticity - the intertransversal ligaments - the various ligaments within the lumbar spine and the pelvis - the lateral ligaments of the sacrococcygeal area - the first coccygeal nerve - the lumbar, renal, hemiazygos and azygos vein via the left kidney - the posturo-emotional connections
  • Nicht auf Lager
    This DVD about the manual treatment of the cervical spine continues the project that Jean-Pierre Barral has started in teamwork with Alain Croibier with the DVD about the treatment of the shoulder and the DVD about the treatment of the elbow, wrist and hand. The intention of this new approach is to add a new dimension and a series of new techniques to the many manual approaches that already exist. This DVD about the manual treatment of the vertebral spine focuses on the dorsal spine. The techniques shown by Jean-Pierre Barral are based on the cooperation with Alain Croibier.  From the surface of the organism, the skin, to its very deep intrinsic components, the nerve plexuses, all the  components of the human body are included in evaluation and treatment. The DVD shows a full spectrum of manual diagnostics and treatment of: - the dorsal spine and the costovetebral joint - the various ligaments related to the heads of the ribs - the costotransverse and superior costotransverse ligament - the posterior angle of the ribs and the levator costarum muscles - the lateral angle of the ribs, internal and external intercostal muscles - the costal arch - the chondrocostal joint , the chondrosternal joint and the sternosternal joint - the brachial plexus related to the clavicle


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